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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-510

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512 THE SCHOOL State the circumstances of St Paul's second imprisonment and death 10 Give brief account of the Sanhedrim of Herod Antipas of the origin of the Septuagint and of the Epistle to the Romans The preceding questions are to be answered by the Upper Sixth Lower Sixth and Fifth Classes Explain ή καινή Διαθήκη Βηθλεέμ τή Ιουδαία Μάγοι πέραν τοΰ Ιορδανού θυσιαστήριον Μαμωνά όψίαι αΰληται συνέδρια β Write short life of St Matthew Was St Matthew's Gospel originally written in Greek What is there to be said of the style and character of this gospel The two preceding questions are to be answered by Upper Sixth only Trace the steps by which the constitution tbe sphere of tbe Church were developed Show the relations of St Paul to the other Apostles These last to be answered by Lower Sixth and Fifth Cla3ses only ן Upper Sixth Form -g opi to Col -CijucBiJftts &r Jlul Translate with notes ω ξένοι αΐδόφρονες dXX' έπεϊ γεραόν πατέρα τόνδ' έμον ουκ άνέτΧατ' έργων ακόντων άΐοντες αύδαν άλλ' έμέ τάν μέλέαν Ίκετείομεν 05 ξένοι οίκτείραθ' α πατρός υπέρ τουμοΰ μόνου άντομαι άντομαι ουκ άλαοΐς προσορωμένα όμμα σον όμμασιν ώς τις άφ' αίματος υμετέρου προφανεΐσα τόν αθλιον
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