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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-509

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THE SCHOOL 511 What were the principal sources of the Roman revenue before the fall of the Republic What was the agrarian law of Tiberius Gracchus What were the laws of his brother Caius What were the boundaries of the Roman Empire in the time of Augustus 10 Explain the following -witena-gemot folc-land boc-land tythings frankpledge 11 State briefly the clauses of Magna Charta 12 On what did Edward III base his claim to the throne of France 13 Give very brief sketch of the Petition of Right 14 Give the dates of the following battles and state who were the respective combatanta on either side -Lewes Falkirk Towton Flodden Marston Moor Naseby Worcester La Hogue Blenheim VII ft Cestament Draw map of Palestine illustrating the history of the book of Judges By what efforts did the Israelites free themselves from the Ammonites the Philistines What were the successive capitals of the kingdom of Israel With what" events mentioned in the Old or New Testament were any of them connected What do you know of Sheba Ainasa Jehoida Manasseh Huldah Illustrate the character and importance of the prophetic body J5cfo Testament Explain the origin of synagogues their arrangement chief officers and form of worship Give an account of the following Jewish sects the Sad- ducees the Pharisees the Essenes the Herodians Give an account of the institution of deacons
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