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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-485

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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 487 14 Enumerate the chief gases analogous to hydrochloric acid and describe the mode of preparing any one of them 15 Give an account of the manufacture of sulphuric acid with an explanation of the principal chemical changes which attend its formation By what tests is sulphuric acid distinguished when its compounds are in solution VIII SiStatneforii jpt'rst GClass rfjolatslnps I-Cije rBrr for jHornmg anil Ebemng raocr What truth is taught by the form of Absolution in the Daily Service Compare it with the other two forms in the Prayer-book State clearly the general order adopted by the Church of England for the public reading of Scripture What objections have been brought against it The Te Deum What do you know as to its traditional history Briefly analyse its structure The Litany The meaning of the name What are its special characteristics Ps xcv Show its special fitness as an Invitatory Psalm for daily use Trace the parallelism between the order of the Daily Service and the progress of the Christian life II -Cf J300& of £γοΌ χά The first eighty years of the life of Moses How were they spent In what way did they prepare him for his future work By my name Jehovah was not known to them What difficulties present themselves in connexion with these words Wherein lay the importance of the new Name Give an account of the circumstances connected with the first Passover What rules were laid down for its permanent
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