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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-484

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486 APPLIED SCIENCES 13 What are the principal'varieties of limestone and what the effects of these differences in their composition upon the quality to the mortars which they form FIRST YEAR Distinguish between an acid base and salt giving examples of each Illustrate by examples the difference between mixture and combination Explain by examples what is meant by chemical equiva- lent Define isomorphism giving instances of three or four iso- morphous groups What is meant by degree on Fahrenheit's scale What by degree centigrade To what degree centigrade does Fahrenheit correspond What is the meaning of the terms specific heat temperature and latent heat Describe the cylinder electrical machine How can you obtain from it either electricity at pleasure Give some modes of distinguishing positive from negative electricity and describe the action of tbe gold leaf electroscope particularly How is oxygen usually obtained What gas does it most resemble How is it distinguished from it In what proportion is it present in air in water and in lime 10 Give formulae for hydrochloric acid steam ammonia and marsh gas with the relative weight of each taking hydrogen 11 Describe the preparation of carbonic oxide What bulk of oxygen would cubic foot of it require to convert it into carbonic acid 12 How is carbonic acid prepared and how distinguished from other gases Describe the method of determining synthetically the quantity of carbon which it contains 13 How is hydrochloric acid procured Describe its proper- ties and state how its composition may be ascertained
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