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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-483

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APPLIED SCIENCES 485 IV -Cljtmtutrji SECOND YEAR Illustrate the process of convection in the distribution on heat and give some account of the way in which it may advan- tageously be used Explain the principle upon which Coffey's still acts Describe the construction of Daniell's dew point hygrometer and the mode of its action What is meant by electric induction Explain the distri- bution of charge in Leyden jar Describe cell of Grove's voltaic battery and state the use of the different parts of which it consists Enumerate the principal laws of electrolysis State when simple and when compound circuit is to be preferred defining the terms What is the construction and principle of the tangent gal- vanometer what of the ordinary astatic galvanometer Define what is meant by dyad and triad element giving illustrations In 1500 cubic feet of air how much would consist of oxygen What would he the proportion of the other principal substances composing the remainder 10 What bulk of oxygen would be required for the complete combustion of three cubic inches of each of the following gases hydrogen carbonic oxide marsli gas olefiant gas and sulphuretted hydrogen What would be produced in each case and what the bulk of each of the constituents supposing the measures before and after to be at 300 11 Describe the mode of preparing sulphuretted hydrogen and give in symbols its action on the following solutions Urate of silver sulphate of copper chloride of antimony ace- tate of lead What metals not precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen would be precipitated by sulphide of ammonium 12 Describe the different steps of the conversion of clay iron- stone into the form of wrought iron
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