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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-479

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APPLIED SCIENCES 481 right-angled isosceles triangle is cut out of circle its angular points being on the circle Find the position of the centre of gravity of the remainder Explain the principle of the Equality of Work done by the power and weight on machine Show that it is true in the first system of pulleys for any number of moveable pulleys Find the weight supported by power of lbs on such system where there are pulleys How are forces measured in Dynamics If be the space described by body in time with uniform acceleration show that ft'z What is the corresponding equation when there is velocity at starting body is thrown upwards along plane inclined at an angle of 30 to the horizon with velocity of 50 feet per second Find how far up it will go and the time before it returns to the starting-point State and illustrate the second law of motion ball is projected obliquely with velocity ש at an angle to the horizon Find its greatest height and the range on hori- zontal plane cricket hall is thrown with velocity of 80 feet per second from given point at an elevation of 60 Find its greatest height and the point where it will strike the ground Find at what angle it should be thrown in order that the range may be as great as possible Explain the meaning of the equation Mg '- When two bodies of mass and are connected by string which passes over pulley find the acceleration and the tension of the string Two weights of and lbs are so connected Find the tension of the string and supposing them to start from rest find the space described in seconds State the principle of the transmission of fluid pressure How is it established experimentally Prove and explain the meaning of the equation ρ gpz What is the value of ρ for water when ζ 10 10 Find the whole pressure on the base and also on the curved surface of right cone full of fluid and with its axi
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