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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-465

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIBNCE 467 d2y 2x dy Transform ךך j-j mto an equation where θ is the independent variable θ tan-1 Trace the curve cos and find its radius of curvature when θ Find the greatest value of xyz when y2 z2 £ £2 Find all the asymptotes of the curve defined by 4י β Integrals Integrate the following differential co-efficients ץ lax ΤχΫ Also tlie following ί x3-j-6 22 Ux a4-1 ί2 1s fix e1x Integrate log dx -5-4 rfa eix sin' χ rfjr Integrate cos2 χ sin3 β cos Find the area of the witch curve Find the volume of the solid generated by the revolution of the conchoid about its asymptote Find the length of the curve when yi ai Find the surface of the least cone which can circumscribe sphere
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