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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-463

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 465 beginning Esto nunc sol testis the character of lapis the miraculous cure of Eneas the simile of dreams the last prayer of Turnus 13 Write an account in Greek or Latin veise or prose ο railways in London VIII titorg White an account of the Pelasgi the Dorians Theseus the war of the Epigoni the Argonautic expedition Define myth When did the mythical period of Greece end What things point to connexion between Greece and the East in early times Describe the country of Arcadia of Messenia of Boeotia geographically Show generally how the character of the Greeks was influenced by the geographical characteristics of Greece Give the leading differences between the Dorian and Ionian character Write an account of the legislation of Lycurgus What were the causes of its success Describe the Periasci the Helots With what modern institutions can you compare any parts of the Spartan polity Who were Aristomenes Zaleucus Phalanthus the Parali Alcaeus Thespis Polycrates Isagoras Hecataeus Demaratus Describe the battle of Marathon What were the causes of the failure of Xerxes' expedition What probably would have been his best policy in conducting it Why does Herodotus consider the Athenians rather than the Spartans the saviours of Greece What was the agrarian law of Tiberius Gracchus What were the laws of his brother Caius Explain the terms Lex Thoria '-' Campi putridi'-' Lex Aurelia י-' tribuni aerarii'- publicani'-' Felix '-' nobilis '-' novus homo '-' vixerunt'- designatus renuntiatus majestas' provincia' flamen What are the original sources for Roman history from the destruction of Carthage to the death of Julius Caesar
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