Calendar: 1866-1867 Page 45
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ANNUAL REPORT Smith Robert Shingleton Honours in Anatomy and in Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry At the Second Examination Powles Revett Coleridge Scholarship and Gold Medal in Mid- wifery Honours 1st Class in Forensic Medicine Bond Thomas Honours let Class in Midwifery and Honours in Forensic Medicine Trimex Henry Honours in Midwifery and Medicire let Class At the Second Examination Shuttleworth George Edward Honours in Animal Physiology At the Second Science Examination Grimes John Honours in Logic and Moral Philosophy Philpot Charles William Honours in Biology and Chemistry At the Examination Kempthorne Henry Law the Gold Medal annually awarded to the most distinguished Graduate of the year at the Examination King's College Hospital continues its career of active benevolence and extended usefulness The last year has been unusually eventful in its history The establishment of special Department for the treat- ment of Diseases of the Eye and the providing for the permanent support of Ward'for Sick Children through the munificence of Ralli Esq who has given Ā£6 000 for that purpose are both important events whether as looked on by the Philanthropist in his regard for the poor of the metropolis or from the College point of view as bearing on the education of the Medical Student The Court will regret to learn that for the first time since its foundation this institution was last year called on to con- tribute to Parochial Rates decision given by the House of Lords in the case of Jones The Mersey Dock Company rendered the Hospital liable to this charge The Council can-
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