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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-445

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TRENCH GREEK TESTAMENT PRIZE 447 Examine the force of the perfect in- πίστη προσενήνοχεν Αβραάμ τόν Ισαάκ ήμε'ι δε κηρΰσσομεν Χριστόν έστανρωμένον ό το ν ειδηφώ Give examples where the Authorized Version fails to express the full force of the imperfect What forms are used in Greek to express possibility without the expression of uncertainty Uncertainty with some probability Mere assumption Impossibility Illustrate your answer from the Greek Testament The relations expressed by participles with examples II -&rtI bi£Sl 0p Crentlj'tf Commentary on Eptetlesi to tijt Sibw £ mtl e$ in &Sta Examine the the theory which sees in tbe Epistles to the Seven Churches prophetic revelation of the future history of the Church Explain and illustrate the titles by which our Lord describes Himself in these chapters State and discuss the various interpretations Of the Lord's Day 10 Of the white stone ii 17 Of the morning star ii 28 Who were the Nicolaitanes What appears to have been their characteristic faults as to doctrine and life What other names probably refer to them Give the meaning and history of the words ποδήρη χάΚκο ίβανο -παράδεισο What traces do these Epistles present of the persecution through which the Church was passing What traditions and conjectures have gathered round the name of Antipas Translate accurately with brief notes Τω άγγίΚω τής Έφεσίνη εκκΚησία γράψον Τάδε Xe'yei ό κρατών του ίπτα αστέρα εν τή δεξιά αντοϋ ό περίπατων εν μέσω τών επτά λυχνιών τών χρυσών οΐδα τά εργα σου και τόν κόπον
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