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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-44

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44 ANNUAL REPORT of Matriculated Medical Students now pursuing their studies at the College is 140 The Council cannot but regard this increase with great satisfaction and tbey have every reason to believe that it will be continued in succeeding years and that the number of Students in tbe Medical Department will soon reach if not exceed that of any previous period While the Council are able thus far to speak in terms of satisfaction of the prosperity of the Medical Department they are also able to add that the conduct and diligence of the Students generally of this department are fully equal to the average of former years No change has taken place in the established Professional Staff of the Department but the great and increasing import- ance of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery as branch of the studies of tbe Medical Student has induced the Council to establish Chair of Ophthalmology and they have appointed Mr Soelberg Wells the distinguished Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Hospital as the first Professor The office of Pathological Registrar to King's College Hospital and Curator of the Museum at King's College" having become vacant by the resignation of Dr Julius Pollock the Council have appointed as his successor for one year Dr Conway Evans former distinguished Student of the College and one of the Assistant Physicians of King's College Hospital The following distinctions have been gained by Students of the Medical Department at the University of London during the past year It will be seen with satisfaction that in their number and importance they are above the average of former years At Matriculation Baxter Evan Buchanan Curnow John First Division in Honour the First JB Examination Richards William Alsept Exhibition and Gold Medal in Mate Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
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