Calendar: 1866-1867 Page 439
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 441 VII- EctUjita£iticaI ftt'storg What lasting effects may be traced to the interruption of the Reformation by the reign of Mary What authority had the advertisements of Queen Eliza- beth Give the history of opinion on this subject Give list with dates of English sovereigns and of Arch- bishops of Canterbury from 1500 to 1648 What were the chief penal laws against Romanism under the reigns of Elizabeth and James Give some account of the rise of Puritanism including the proceedings of the English exiles in the reign of Mary Give some account of the laws affecting the poor down to the Act of 43 Eliz State the circumstances of Archbishop Parker's consecra- tion and give an account of the fable invented by Romanists in connexion with it Give an account of the Hampton Court Conference and of the alterations made in the Prayer-book in consequence of it Translate Summa controversiae nostras haec est Nos tenemus mini- stros Ecclesiae Anglicanae sine impietate uti posse vestium dis- crimine publica auctoritate jam prasscripto turn in administratione sacra turn in usu externo praesertim cum ut res indifferentes proponantur cuin tantum propter ordinem ac debitam legibus obedientiam usurpari jubeantur et omnis superstitionis cultus ac necessitatis quod ad conscientias attinet opinio omnino con- demnetur Illi contra clamitant vestes has in numerum τών αδιάφορων jam haudquaquam adscribendas impias esse papisticas ac idololatricas et propterea omnibus piis uno consensu ministerio cedendum potius quam cum istis panniculariis papisticis sic enim loquuntur Ecclesiae inservire licet doctrinam sincerissimam prae- dicandi necnon omnimodos errores seu abusus sive in ritibus give in doctrina sive in sacramentis sive in moribus per sanam doctrinam subaccusandi exagitandi condemnandi summam habeamus libertatem Epp Tigurina No 75
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