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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-43

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annual report 43 Language and Literature in the person of Professor Brewer with the aid in both subjects of the Rev Heywood and Townshend Esq as Lecturers The Council are much indebted to Professor Brewer and his colleagues for undertaking this additional responsibility The following changes have taken place in the Oriental Section Coxe Esq having resigned the Professorship of Sanscrit on his appointment to post of high importance in the Educational Department in India the Council have appointed Charles Bruce Esq of the British Museum an eminent Sanscrit scholar to fill the vacant Chair The Rev Hormazdji Pestonji formerly Superintendent of the Marathi and Gujarati Schools in connexion with the Free Church of Scotland in Bombay has been elected Professor of those languages in this Section The Rev Campbell has been elected Professor of Bengali The Department of the Applied Sciences continues very full and gives good promise of future excellence in the im- portant profession for which the Students are preparing Their conduct has been in former years satisfactory but during the past year marked improvement has taken place The services of Professor Glenny in the double capacity ot Professor of Free-hand Drawing and of Professor Bradley's coadjutor in Geometrical Drawing have already led to marked improvement in that important branch of study Mr Edward James Castle having resigned the Lec- tureship in Surveying and Levelling Mr William Marshall has been appointed in his room The Council are ahle to state that the number of new Matri- culated Students in the Medical Department exhibits an increase as compared with the last two years the number of entries of the present year being 43 against 34 and 29 of the two years immediately preceding The total number
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