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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-429

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 431 Edward VI the executions of Sir Thomas More and the Duke of Somerset Give the full titles of the "Bishop's Book" and the "King's Book and general description of their contents What was the date of each and in what respects do they chiefly differ Give the dates of the first English Communion-office the first and second Prayer-books of Edward VI the first Book of Homilies and the first set of Articles of Religion Mention the chief points of difference between the first and second Prayer-books To what influence are the changes chiefly to be ascribed Sketch he state of religious parties in the latter part of Edward's reign Explain the terms Chantry Tree Chapel-Trentals- Porlnis-Pie-Grayle-Albe-Pax-Pyx-Gang-week-Bidding the Bedes By what steps was the dissolution of monasteries carried out State how it affected the condition of the parochial clergy and that of the poor and show that its effects in these respects are sometimes exaggerated Translate Inter episcopos hactenus de Christi doctrina convenire non potuit multo minus de disciplina Paucissimae parochiae idoneos habent pastures sunt autem ex ecclesiastico ordine atqu ex iis quoque qui evangelic videri volunt qui tres aut quatuor atque plures parochias tenent nec uni ministrant sed sufficiunt sibi eos qui minimo se conduci patiuntur plerumque qui nec Anglice legere possunt quique corde puri hui Papistas sunt Et pri- mores quidem regni multis parochiis praefecerunt eos qui in ccenobiis fuerant ut pensione eis persolvenda se liberarent qui sunt indoctissimi et ad sacrum ministerium ineptissimi Hinc invenias parochias in quibus aliquot annis nulla habita sit concio
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