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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-427

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 429 Translate Gen xxii 1-19 "The land of Moriah verse What do you suppose to have been the situation of this What is the common identifica- tion and what are the reasons for and against it What are the variations of the promise made to Abraham in verse 18 What argument has it been proposed to ground pon them and what is the real worth of that argument Give your own opinion of the occurrences related in this chapter What memorable words are they which alone explain verse Add the points to the following ויקם שדה עפרון אשר במכפלה אשר לפני ממרא השדה והמערה אשר בו וכל העץ אשר בשדה אשר בכל גבלו סביב לאברהם למקנה לעיני בני חת בכל באי שער עירו And the field and the cave that Translate into Hebrew is therein were made sure unto Abraham for possession of burying place by the sons of Heth VI EcclcsiaSttial Sfetoro Give the dates of Victor Sylvester Leo Gregory and Gregory II bishops of Rome and of the emperors Con- stantine Theodosius Phocas and Leo the Isaurian State generally the dates and the subjects of the Paschal Arian Pelagian Monothelite and Iconoclastic controversies Translate Ad hanc enim ecclesiam propter potentiorem principalitatem necesse est omnem convenire ecclesiam hoc est eos qui sunt undique fideles in qua semper ab his qui sunt undique conser- vata est ea quae est ah apostolis traditio From what writer is this quoted In what language did he
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