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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-425

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 427 ancient and modern sacred and profane Whether such dark presages such visions of the night proceed from any latent power in the soul during this her state of abstraction or from any communication with the Supreme Being or from any opera- tion of subordinate spirits has been great dispute among the learned the matter of fact is think incontestable and has been looked upon as such by the greatest writers who have been never suspected either of superstition or enthusiasm III liturgical airt Ā£0mtlttif Ojcologn State generally the nature of the laws by which the Church of England is governed Give the substance of the Rubric respecting ornaments of the Church and of ministers What decisions of the Eccle- siastical Courts in recent times have had reference to the Rubric Give some instances of the practice of the Church of Eng- land in former times with regard to Week-day services Preaching in gown or surplice The position of the minister in saying prayers What are the Golden Numbers and what is their use Mention the principal points of difference between the present and the mediaeval method of using Psalms and Lessons What advantages are claimed for each system Give an in- stance of an Antiphon and of Respond What is the strict meaning of the word "legend "1 Give few general rules for the lucid division of sermon and illustrate your theory by giving the main divisions of sermon on "I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work "-St John ix
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