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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-42

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42 annual report The number of Students in the Theological Department continues about the same as it was last year and what is much more important their high character for good conduct and unremitting industry remains undiminished while the confidence reposed in the qualifications of Certificated Students for the Ministry of the Church appears to be on the increase The Principal finds it quite impossible to satisfy all the re- quests forwarded to him both by Bishops and by Incumbents for Candidates for Holy Orders who have had the advantage of the complete training in this Department No less than 426 Students have received the Principal's Certificate in the course of eighteen years and of these 160 were placed in the First Class at the final Examination The Bishop of London formally recognises this Department as his Diocesan College The numbers in the Department of General Literature and Science have fallen off considerably since last year and the intellectual standard in general appears not to be high It is probable that one of the chief causes of this continual decline is the number of other Schools and Colleges which compete with this Department The conduct and diligence of the Students have been perfectly satisfactory At the University of Oxford Charles James Lyall was placed in the First Class in Classics at Moderations The following passed in the first Examination for the Indian Civil Service viz Charles James Lyall Lindsay Neill Henry John Stedman Cotton William Henry Crowe and George William Vidal Mr Lyall was first in the whole list of Candidates At the University of Cambridge Thomas King was elected Fellow of Jesus College Robert Townley Caldwell Fellow of Corpus Christi William Kingdon Clifford Minor Scholar of Trinity Henry Humphreys Scholar of St John's The final arrangements consequent on the resignation by Professor Pearson of the Chair of Modern History as an- nounced in last year's Report consist in the amalgamation of the two Professorships of Modern History and of English
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