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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-418

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420 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT rijnfo Translate Genesis xix 1-22 Explain the more difficult grammatical forms and the masoretic notes in this part of the chapter Translate Genesis xxi 22-34 Add the pronominal affixes to ן" ל $£ל an Point and explain the following verses ולשרה אמר הנה נתתי אלף כסף לאחיך הנה הוא לך כסות עיניט לכל אשר אתך ואת כל ונכחת ויתפלל אברהם אל האלהיט וירפא אלהיט את אבימלך ואת אשתו ואמהתיו וילדו כי עצר עצר יהוה בער כל רחט לבית אבימלך על דבר שרה אשת אברהט Translate into Hebrew "And God said unto him in dream Yea know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart for also withheld thee from sinning against me therefore suffered thee not to touch her VI Eiclejstasttcat Statorg Give the names and dates of the Popes from 1500 to 1550 Give an account of the bearing of Erasmus towards the Reformation What was the Romish theory as to Indulgences Trace the history of it and mention the circumstances which connect it with the Reformation in Germany and Switzerland Give the dates of the births and deaths of Luther Zwingli Calvin Melancthon and Farel the dates of the Peasants' War the Peace of Nuremberg the abdication of Charles What was the origin of the term Protestant How does the German use of it differ from our own
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