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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-417

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 419 Give briefly the history of the "Alb and Vestment or Cope Write brief outline of sermon on "Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light Eph 14 IV -introHuttion to &lU Ctitamtnt Give the history of the present form of the Books of Kings How are they to be regarded with reference to fore- going books Mention any characteristic features of them Show the canonicity of the Books of Kings and explain what you mean by the term What opinion do you arrive at as to the authorship of these books and how Are there any indications of the Pentateuch having been known to the author or at the period of the events related and what Mention any broad features of difference between Kings and Chronicles and give illustrations What other historical books are named in either How do you understand the phrase "unto this day and the expression "beyond the river Of what family was Eli Name his successors up to the time that the high priesthood passed from his line What was the position of Gihon State what seems to be the history of the worship in high places Give an account of the wanderings of the tabernacle 10 What parallel to the judgment of Solomon is found in classical history and how is the narrative of this judgment to be understood 11 So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the Lord that he might fulfil the word of the Lord which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh What was this word and what do you observe about this reference to it
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