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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-366

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366 university distinctions honours at second bachelor of science examination In Chemistry 1865 Philpot Charles William In Logic and Moral Philosophy 1865 Grimes John In Biology 1865 Philpot Charles William examination in the hebrew text of the old testament the greek text of the new testament the evidences of the christian religion and scripture history prizes at first examination 1865 Wensley Edward Barnett honours at matriculation General Honours 1865 Wyand Benjamin John appointments in tije OTifail erbice of er Jflajestg in tijc Isast In&tes For the Names of those elected previously to 18G6 see the Calendar for 865-6 1866 Whiteway Richard Stephen Bradbury Edward Augustus Wace Alfred Augustus Wilkins Cecil Ansdell Bradbury James Francis Sewell Robert Olliphant Edward Charles Kayll Davies James Acworth Hosking Edward appointments in tfje untune lEstablisfjment of tfje Department of public 212E0rfes in In&ia For the Names of those elected previously to 1866 see the Calendar for 1865-6 1866 Lobb Thomas
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