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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-328

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328 THE SCHOOL of 15 per annum for three years to be competed for by boys who are at that time entering the School Boys who join the School in May may compete for these Exhibitions in September No boy over 15 on the day fixed for the opening of the School can compete for these Exhibitions and in counting the number of marks made by each candidate in the examina- tion an allowance of per cent per month will be made for age to all boys under 15 payment of 51 will be made to each Exhibitioner at the beginning of every Term for three years supposing him to return to School but not otherwise The following will be the subjects of examination for the Classical Division both in September 1866 and January 1867 Old Testament History Homer Iliad II Virgil JEa VI Euclid Book Algebra including Simple Equations Arithmetic Outlines of English History Geography of Europe The examination for the division of Modern Instruction will embrace the same subjects substituting Voltaire's Charles XII for Homer Section VII hours of attendance The duties of each day commence with Prayers and the read- ing of the Scriptures in the College Chapel from which none of the Pupils are allowed to absent themselves without the special permission of the Head Master
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