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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-289

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EVENING classes 289 Sound How propagated-The Conditions of Musical Sound-Explana- tion of certain Natural Phenomena Optics Laws of Reflection and Refraction-Formation of Images- Optical Phenomena The Principles discussed in the Lectures will be illustrated by Experiments and Numerical Examples FRENCH- Class -Lamartine Toussaint L'Ouver1 ture Marmontel Belisaire ProfessorMariette Conversations Class II -Grammar-Idioms-Reading Mons Stievenard Class III -Elements of Grammar-Exercises Mons Thibaudin ARITHMETIC James Haddon Esq ZOOLOGY Professor Rtmer Jonis The Lectures during the Summer Session will embrace complete survey of the structure and history of the Annelidans Myriapods Insects Arachnidans and Crustaceans Friday LATIN- Class -Cicero Pro Plancio Rev Prof Lonsdale Class II -Terence The Adelphi Townshend Class III -Henry's First Latin Book-Cor-i nelius Nepos-Exercises Ellis UoHN Lamb Esq -Grammar OFFICIAL HAND-writing as required by the CivilServiceCommissioners UPTOJt -8×™ hebrew Advanced Class Rev Joka Most of these Classes have special reference to the and Matriculation Examinations at the University of London The hour of Meeting will be 30 each Class will meet once in the week and will last one hour and half The Fee for each separate subject will be 11 Is for Four Classes 10 for Five Classes is VIII Prizes and Certificates At the close of every Winter Session Examinations are held in each subject Prizes and Certificates of Honour and Merit are then awarded
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