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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-283

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EVENING CLASSES 283 IV Three Lectures on Master and Servant -Contract of Hiring-Rights of Master in respect of Work Wages Notice-Liability of Master for Acts of his Servants and for Debts incurred by his Servants -Action by Master for Loss of Servant-Rights of Servants as to work wages notice food and clothing-Different kinds of servants clerks managers tutors labourers &c Three Lectures on Wills and Settlements -Right to make Wills-Objects of Wills-Codicils-Revoca- tion of Wills-Executors-Administration-Gifts to Charities-Settlements made before and after Marriage-Power to make Settlements-Objects of Settlements what they should contain-Hints as to distribution of Property-How to provide for wife and younger children-Tying up property strictly-Provision against Bankruptcy-Life In- terests-Policies of Insurance in connexion with Wills and Settlements-Provision for all possible contingencies-Funeral Expenses and Debts VI Three Lectures on Landlord and Tenant -Leases- Agreements-Rent-Payment of Rates and Taxes Distress-Fixtures-Repairs-Notices to Quit -Subletting-Insurance &c XXIX HEBREW Lay and Hours of Attendance Advanced Class Wednesday from to Elementary Class Wednesday from to XXX EXAMINATIONS FOR THE HOME CIVIL SERVICE Special Class is formed with the view of preparing Candidates for all branches of the Home Civil Service in as short time as possible
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