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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-282

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Page content

282 EVENING CLASSES ciation and correction of national provincial and other errors in speaking-Quantity and accent-Poise-Definition of the term-Its great importance-One of the chief elements of apparent earnestness in speaking or reading-Steele's Pro- sodia Rationales"-The identity of the theory of the Poise with the Thesis and Arsis of the ancient Greek rheto- ricians-Value of emphasis when rightly placed and discreetly used-Inflexion of the Voice-Definition of the term-Rising inflexions and falling inflexions-Modulation of the Voice- Parenthesis-Time-Pause-Rhetorical words-Grammatical and rhetorical punctuation-Speaking and reading with expression-Attitude-Gesture-Stammering and Stuttering -Causes and cures-Rules for acquiring power tone and compass of voice and strengthening generally the speech organs-Practical application of the principles of these Lec- tures XXVIII POPULAR LECTURES ON LAW Bay and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to Introduction -Origin and nature of Law-Objects of Law-Different kinds of Law-Equity as dis- tinguished from Law-Rights of Persons-Rights of Property II Three Lectures on Husband and Wife -The Contract of Marriage how formed and how dissolved- Divorce-Judicial Separation-Breach of Promise -Interest of Husband in the Property of Wife- Separate Estate of Wife-Liability of Husband for Wife's Debts-How Married Woman can sue and be sued &c III Three Lectures on Parent and Child -Proofs of Le- gitimacy-Rights of Parents over their Children -Liability of Parents for their Children's Debts- Guardianship Privileges and Disabilities of Minors &c
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