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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-262

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Page content

262 EVENING CLASSES Algebra General Plane Trigonometry Practical Plane Trigonometry Elementary Algebra Quadratic Equations Arithmetical Geometrical and Harmonical Series Problems Algebra Fractions Greatest Com- mon Measure Least Common Multiple Involution Evolution Surds Simple and Quadratic Equ'ations of oneortwo unknown quantities Easy Problems Euclid Γ 33 to end of Book II Algebra Greatest Common Mea- sure Least Common Multiple Extraction of Square Root Simple Equations of one tin- known quantity Easy Problems Algebra Four elementary Rules and Fractions Euclid to 32 BOOKS RECOMMENDED Hall's Differential Calculus Todhunter's Differential Calculus Todhunter's Analytical Geometry Beasley's Plane Trigonometry Hall's Algebra Todbunter's Euclid Hall's Abridged Trigonometry XIV THE PRINCIPLES OF COMMERCE Lay and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to Introductory Lecture Lessons from the Commercial Crisis of 1866 Div II to Friday Div III to Tuesday Friday Div IV to Tuesday Div to Tuesday Friday Div VI to Tuesday Friday
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