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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-260

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200 EVENING CLASSES The United States at the present time Twelve Lectures II The New England States III IV The Middle" States-New York-Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware- Maryland The Federal Capital VI The "Southern" States Atlantic coast Vir- ginia-North and South Carolina-Georgia- Florida VII VIII The Mississipi Valley-The North-Western States -Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan-Wisconsin- Iowa-Minnesota &c IX The South-Western States-Kentucky-Tennessee -Mississippi-Alabama-Missouri Louisiana -Texas XI The Rocky Mountains and the Pacific seaboard- California-The New States of the Far West" Oregon-Neveda-Colorado &c The Ter- ritories XII General view of the United States as whole- area sea coast mountains rivers mineral re- sources present population books recommended Manual of Geography By Hughes Longman Co Geography of British History Ditto ditto XI ARITHMETIC Two Classes Days and Hours of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to or from to or both hours on both nights by additional payment The instruction in Arithmetic comprises First Principles Proportion Practice Fractions Decimals Involution Evolu-
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