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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-256

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256 evening classes On Friday to Mr Adolphus Junior Grammar Class Dictation Parsing and the Analysis of Sentences to Mr Macdonald Poetry and the Poets of the last hundred years to Mr Adolphus Senior Grammar Class Grammatical Composition Abstract' and Precis- Writing and Indexing to Mr Macdonald English Composition In this course English Composition will be studied with regard chiefly to style Each Student is free to choose for himself as Course of English the two weekly Lectures that supply him with the information he most wants Arrangements may be made in the Secretary's Office for attendance on double Course or at third Lecture in each week Students attending two Courses of English may compete for two of the English Prizes but as competitors for the prize for proficiency in five subjects they will be credited only with the marks earnedin one English examination IX ENGLISH HISTORY Bays and Hours of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from to Introductory How to read English History II Pre-historic Times The stone and bronze ages The builders of the tumuli 'III IV The Briton the Roman and the Saxon The Early British Church St Augustine The Northmen their Race and Religion Their early exploits The Sagas VI VII Alfred and his works The later Saxon kings What Saxon England was like VIII The Church and its work in the Middle Ages The Papacy
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