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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-253

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EVENING classes 253 VI GERMAN LITERATURE HISTORY AND COMPOSITION Days and Hours of Attendance-Monday from to or from ft to and Thursday from to or from to Students attending this Class may attend the German Language Class on payment of Ā£1 German Literature on Monday from to in German and from to in English portion of each hour will be devoted to German Com- position Before Christmas Introductory Lecture General Survey of German Literature until the Reformation II Influence of the Reformation Didactic and Satirical Poetry Brant's Narrenschiff Rollenhagen's Frosch- mauslerkrieg-J Fischart Ulrich von Hutten III Epic Poetry Fischart's Gluckhaftes Schitf- Theurdank Hymns Kirchenlieder Martin Luther Hutten Hans Sachs IV Lyric Poetry Meistergesang-Hans Sachs-Dra- matic Poetry-English Actors in Germany-Fast- nachtsspiele- Prose Writings-Sebastian Franck The Period of Learning Leibnitz Francke-Lin- guistic Societies Palmenorden Pegnitzschafer- Martin Opitz-Schlesische Dichterschulen VI Religious Poetry Konigsberger Dichterschule Novelists Grimmelshausen-Robinson Crusoe in Germany-Satirists Abraham Santa Clara- The Drama Gryphius VII Literary Quarrels Gottsched and Bodmer-Ascend- ency of English Literature-Leipziger and Hal- lescber Dichterbund-Homiletics Mosheim VIII Klopstock his Lyric Poems his Odes and his Mes- sias-Gellert-Gleim-Geszner
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