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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-252

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252 EVENING CLASSES Fourth Division both hours -Brasseuv's Grammar and "Manual BOOKS RECOMMENDED Brasseur's French Grammar Spiers' Dictionary GERMAN -Four Classes Days and Hours of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to or from to or both hours on both nights by additional payment Students of this Class may join the German Literature Class on payment of an additional Is First Division -Translations from English into German Dr Wintzer to Mariette's Half Hours Commercial Correspondence Reading Goethe's Torquato Tasso After Christmas the Reading as fixed by the London University Calendar for Ma- triculation This subject occupies the second part of the Winter session and the whole of the Summer session Idioms Conversation in German Second Division -The more advanced parts of Grammar and Dr wintzer to Exercises Reading Schiller's Mary Stuart Third8f Fourth Divisions -Elements of Grammar and Exercises HerrSchneider 7108 Reading Bernavs' Reader to BOOKS RECOMMENDED Fliisrels' or Williams' and Cruse's German and English Correspondence Bernays' Grammar Exercises Reader Black's or Hilpert's Dictionary
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