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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-234

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234 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Any Candidate who shall fail to pass either of these Examinations will not he re-admitted to Examination until after the lapse of Six months Every Candidate intending to present himself for Examination is required to give Fourteen days' notice in writing to the Registrar of the College at the same time transmitting the following certificates -For the first part -Evidence of having passed an Arts Examination of having been duly registered as Medical Student and of having completed two years of Professional Study For the second part Evidence of having completed four years of Professional Study of having attended not less than twenty labours and of having attained the age of twenty-one years testimonial of moral character is required of every Candidate Blank Forms of the required Certificates of attendance on Hospital Practice and on Lectures may be obtained on application at the CoHeae The Fee for admission to the First part of the Examination is Five Guineas the Fee for admission to the Second part of the Examination is Ten Guineas and there is no further Fee for the Licence The Fee must be paid within three days prior to the day on which the Examination commences Any Candidate who has already obtained the Degree of Doctor or Bachelor of Medicine at University approved and recognised by the College shall be exempt from the First part of the Professional Examination for the Licence Any Candidate who has already obtained the Licence of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh or of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland after Course of Study and an Examination satisfactory to the Ex- aminers appointed by the College shall be exempt from the First part of the Professional Examination for the Licence Any Registered Medical Practitioner whose Qualification or Qualifications shall have been obtained before the first day of January 1861 having been with the consent of the College admitted Candidate for the Licence will be exa- mined on the Principles and Practice of Medicine Surgery and Midwifery but he will be exempted from such other parts of the Professional Examinations as his Qualifications may seem to the Examiners to render in his case unnecessary The Fee for admission to Examination is Fifteen Guineas and there is no further Fee for the Licence IV ROYAL COLLEGE 01 SURGEONS OF ENGLAND Regulations of the Council respecting the Education and Examination of Candidates for the Diploma of Member of this College Preliminary General Education and Examination Candidates who shall commence their Professional Education on or after the 1st of January 1861 will be required to produce one or other of the following Certificates Hours of Attendance from Eleven to Four Saturday from Eleven to Two
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