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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-227

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 227 Second Μ Examination This Examination takes place on the first Monday in November each year Fee £5 Certificates are required of having passed the first Μ Examination and having subsequently attended course of Lectures on two of the subjects named above and for which the Candidate had not presented Certificates at the first Examination conducted twenty Labours attended the Surgical Practice of recognised Hospital during two years and Lectures on Clinical Surgery attended the Medical Practice of Hospital during two years and Lectures on Clinical Medicine and subsequently to the completion of this attendance on Hospital Practice of having attended to Practical Medicine Surgery or Midwifery in Hospital Infirmary Dispensary or Parochial union during six months Certificate of Moral Character is likewise required Candidates will be examined in General Pathology General Therapeutics and Hygiene Surgery Medicine Midwifery Forensic Medicine including questions on Surgical and Medical Anatomy Pathological Anatomy and Pathological Chemistry Any Candidate placed in the First Division of this Examination may go in for honours during the following week The subjects are -Medicine Midwifery and Forensic Medicine Scholarships and Gold Medals are given in each of these subjects Bachelor of Surgery The Examination for this Degree takes place on the fourth Tuesday in November in each year Fee £5 Certificates are required of having taken the Degree of and of having attended course of inntruction in Operative Surgery and of having operated on the dead subject Any Candidate who has passed this Examination may go in for Honours in Surgery during the following week Scholarship of the value of £50 per annum for two years and Gold Medals are awarded Master in Surgery The Examination for this Degree commences on the fourth Monday in November in each year Fee £5 Certificates are required- Of having taken the Degree of Bachelor of Surgery in this University Of having attended subsequently to having taken the Degree of Bachelor of 8urgery in this University To Clinical or Practical Surgery during Two Years in Hospital or Medical Institution recognised by this University Or to Clinical or Practical Surgery during One Year in Hospital or Medical Institution recognised by this University and of having been engaged during Three Years in the Practice of his Profession Candidates who have obtained the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine pre- viously to 1866 will be admitted to the Examination for the Degree of Master in Surgery without having taken the Degree of Bachelor of Surgery and in the case of such Candidates the attendance on Surgical Practice required by Regulation may commence from the date of the Degree Ρ
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