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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-222

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222 medical department Section XXIV Names of those who have filed the Offices of Assistant House Surgeon and Assistant House Physician during the past year Assistant House Surgeons Nov 1865 to April 30 1866 Paris Bradshawe May 1866 to Oct 31 1866 John Burges Welch Assistant House Physicians Nov 1865 to April 30 1866 Charles William Philfot May 1866 to Oct 31 1866 Edward Liveing Fenn Section XXV Names of the Matriculated Students of this Department who hare taken out Cards of Attendance during the past Academical Tear Those marked received Special Certificate for Ist Class in Divinity Those marked received Special Certificate for Practical Anatomy Those marked received Special Certificate for Physiology Those marked received Special Certificate for Chemistry Those marked received Special Certificate for Medicine Those marked received Special Certificate for Materia Medica Those marked received Special Certificate for Midwifery Those marked received Special Certificate for Botany Those marked received Special Certificate for Practical Chemistry Those marked received Special Certificate for Forensic Medicine See page 204 Adams Geo Edw D'Arcy Alexander Reginald Allen Charles Holt Î’ 2Amsden George Anderson Edward Charles 0Argles Robert Bagnall Samuel Ffreeman 23Baxter Evan Buchanan 23Beach Fletcher Bedford William James 2Bell Alfred James Bell John Hougham Benyon John Jones 25 Bland Henry Blythman Clement Samuel Bradbury John Buckley Buckle Wm Turberville Butcher ftichardPeterScott Caldecott Randolph Canton Geo Anderson 3Cartwright Aug Tatam 38Cartwright Hamilton Chillingworth W'm Henry Claypole Henry
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