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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-206

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206 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT faction of the Medical Officer or Officers under whom he may have served Application for such certificates must be made to the Dean on the expiration of the period of service No Student shall receive certificate who has not attended regularly during the entire six months of his appointment If from any cause any gentleman shall be obliged to resign his appointment he shall immediately give notice in writing both to the Dean of the Medical Department and to the Secretary of the Hospital If any gentleman be prevented temporarily from attending to his duties he must provide Substitute approved by the Physician or Surgeon under whom he is serving If vacancy should occur in the office of Physician's Assistant during the usual period of time for which it is held the Assistant House Physician shall succeed to the appoint- ment for the time of office still unexpired provided he pos- sesses the proper qualifications and complies with the conditions laid down in the Calendar relating to the Phy- sician's Assistant and that the Physicians of the Hospital severally certify that he is suitable officer for the appoint- ment The Assistant House Surgeon shall be promoted to the office of House Surgeon under similar circumstances and conditions provided the Surgeons of the Hospital severally certify to his fitness for the appointment If these con- ditions be not complied with the vacancies in the above appointments will be filled up by examination in the usual way Should vacancy occur in any office held by Student at the Hospital except that of Physician's Assistant or House Surgeon it will be filled up for the unexpired term by examination in the usual way Out-Patient Clerics -There shall be twelve Out-Patient Clerks three for each Assistant Physician they shall have diligently attended six months' Medical Practice The exami- nation shall be in the Anatomy of the viscera in Materia Medica and in the Practice of Medicine In the case of
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