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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-202

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202 medical department Its object is to encourage the prosecution of original research in Chemistry This Scholarship is of the annual valueof 20 and is tenable for two years It is given every second year and is open to every Student of the College whether matriculated or occqsional It is awarded to the Student who shall have executed the best series of researches in the Laboratory of King's College during the two years immediately preceding the election for six months of which time he must have been pupil in the Laboratory The next Scholarship will be awarded at Easter 1867 The Papers of all Candidates must be placed in the hands of the Secretary by four o'clock on Friday March 29 1867 after which time no document will be received Section XIV ffifje iKc Ctaul principal's Stephen umpire atft Dasent ttfes These prizes are open to all Matriculated Students not being Associates of this Department ffloWr IHeirtral Clinical rife This Prize has been founded by the friends of the late Robert Bentley Todd Esq for the encouragement of those attending the Medical Clinical Lectures at King's College Hospital The prize consists of Bronze Medal and 41 4s in books and is awarded annually to the most deserving of the third or fourth year students The examination will be held during the first week in July of each year Candidates are required To write from memory an account of such cases occurring in the practice of the Physicians during the current academical year as shall be selected by the Examiners
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