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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-181

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medical department 181 Department for the purposes of study see page 177 they also have the use of the General Library see page 352 limited number of Students are admitted to reside within the College see page 353 and list of gentlemen autho- rized by the Council to receive Medical Students as boarders into their houses will be found at page 356 There is Dining Hall in the College for the accommodation of Resident and other Students of the College see page 357 Boxes are provided in the Corridors of the College in which Students may keep their Caps and Gowns Books &c See page 358 Stationery of all kinds may be obtained in the Secretary's office at moderate prices Section VI preliminary arts examination Before Student can register himself at any of the Examin- ing Boards as commencing his professional studies at this or at any other College he will be required to produce certifi- cate of having passed preliminary Arts Examination for particulars of which the candidate must apply to the particular Examining Board whose Diploma he desires to obtain This preliminary Examination will not be required by the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons or the Apothecaries' Society from candidates who have passed the Matriculation Examination of the University of London Section VII Couese or Education recommended to the Medical Students ly He Professors of Kitty's College The Medical Professors of King's College sensible of the difficulties which beset the Student at the commencement of
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