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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-145

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applied sciences 145 well as illustrations of the different processes of Manufactures in their various stages are also open to Students during Term See page 175 XV -General Library The Engineering section of the Library contains large number of Standard Works which treat especially on the subjects taught in this Department to these the Students are referred by the Professors during the course of Lectures and they have the opportunity of perusing them in the Library in the intervals between the Lectures or of taking them home for limited peried subject to the Rules and Regulations stated on page Fee for admission of Occasional Students £1 Is per term or £2 2s per annum XVI -Engineering Society Patron the rev jelf Honorary Presidents rev professor hall professor kerr professor shelley professor η castle professor miller professor adams professor glenny rev cock This Society was established in Michaelmas Term 1863 having for its object the cultivation of Engineering Science for which purpose meetings are held every Monday After- noon during Term when paper on some Engineering subject is read by one of the Members and the matter brought forward is afterwards discussed Two prizes are given every year one for the best paper read before the Society during the year by Matriculated Student and another for the best essay on some subject chosen by the Society The Society is composed of the Honorary Members before mentioned and ordinary Members elected from the past and present Students of the Department of Applied Sciences
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