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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-142

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142 APPLIED SCIENCES of Turning for which purpose they are instructed in the use of the tools for turning soft wood hard wood ivory and other substances and also in the mode of preparing and fixing the work in the Lathe The formation of Cycloidal Epicycloidal and Involute Teeth for Wheels Pinions Racks &c The method of working in Sheet Metals and Soldering Third Year Students commence Metal Work the operations of which consist of the various processes of Chipping Filing Fitting Turning Boring Screw-cutting and Planing the con- struction of Foundry Patterns in Wood or Metal Core-boxes Moulding and Casting in Iron and Brass and Forging With proper attention to the foregoing routine of procedure the Students become sufficiently proficient to be enabled to make for themselves Lathes and the apparatus connected with them Tools of various sorts Working Models of Steam- engines Boilers and other Machinery in the construction of which either Metal or Wood or the two combined are employed At the termination of the year Prize is given in the Senior Second Year and Junior Classes for proficiency in the execution of some piece of Mechanism the subject of which is given out during the Lent or Easter Term Every Student is expected to furnish himself with set of the simplest tools requisite for working in wood and metals In order to diminish the expense of these tools as much as possible the Student may purchase them at the College and upon his leaving they will be repurchased from him at reduction depending on the condition in which they are returned No Student is allowed to obtain tools or materials in the Workshop to greater amount than Ā£4 in any one term without the consent in writing of his parent or guardian Fee for Occasional Students 31 17s per Term or 10 10s per annum
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