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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-139

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applied sciences 139 The mode of collecting cleaning and arranging Fossils Minerals and Rock specimens will be described Easter Term -practical geology in its application to Mining Engineering Architecture and Agriculture Hour Wednesdays and Fridays to 10 The Lectures delivered on the subject of Geology are in- tended to have especial reference to the important practical applications of that Science to Engineering Mining Architec- ture and Agriculture The Granites Syenites Porphyries Greenstones Serpen- tines Basalts Lavas Sandstones Limestones Clays &c will be described and the minerals peculiar to each noticed The application of Geology to pursuits connected with mining operations-for Coal Iron Copper Tin Silver Gold Mercury Antimony Zinc Cobalt &c will be specially con- sidered The Student is directed how to proceed in examining new country to collect and record his observations and mark his specimens in order to render them useful to more experienced Geologists at home The Museum contains well-arranged collection of Minerals and Rocks and specimens of Building-Stones In order more fully to exemplify the applications of the Science the Professor accompanies his Class to various Mu- seums in London including the Museum of Practical Geology and the British Museum also on excursions into the Country in which the actual field-work of the Geologist is explained and illustrated There is an Examination at the close of the Course by which the progress of the Students is tested For Fees payable by Occasional Students see page 149 XII The Art and Scientific Principles of Photography Hours 10 20-12 30 Friday These Lessons are intended for those Students who have completed six Terms in this Department but Students of the
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