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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-134

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134 applied sciences Barium -Salts of Baryta Calcium -Lime Mortars Cements Building Materials Plaster of Paris Carbonate of Lime Magnesium -Magnesia Epsom Salts 3rd Group-Metals of the Earths Aluminum Alum Clays Pottery Ultramarine 4th Group-Metals allied to Iron Zinc -Extraction of Alloys Calamine Cobalt -Smalt Nickel-German Silver Iron -Processes of Smelting Cast Iron Bar Iron Steel Pyrites Ores and Salts of Iron Chromium -The Chromates Manganese -Black oxide of 5th Group-Metals forming Oxides more Acid than Basic Tin -Alloys Muriates Antimony -Alloys Arsenic -Orpiment 6th Group Bismuth -Alloys and Salts of Copper -Smelting of Bronze Brass Blue Vitriol Lead -Extraction of Desilvering Use of Lead in Water supply Red Lead White Lead 7th Group-Noble Metals Mercury -Vermilion Calomel Corrosive Sublimate Silver -Assaying Plating Chloride and Nitrate of Silver Gold -Cupellation Quartation Gilding Platinum -Mode of working Salts of Influence of concurring Forces on Affinity III Organic Chemistry Classification of Organic Compounds Principles and Processes of Organic Analysis Sugar Process of Refining it -Starch Malting Gum Woody Fibre -Gun Cotton Paper Making Preservation of Wood Cordage &c Coal -Products of its Distillation Manufacture of Coal Gas -Economy of Fuel Fermentation -Beer Wine Spirits Bread Alcohol -Etherification
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