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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-132

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132 applied sciences of Wheels Projection of Screws Spur Worm Bevil Skew Bevil Morticed Drum Cog and Fly-wheels Rack and Pinion Cam Heart and Tappit Wheels Plans Elevations and Sec- tions of Locomotive and Marine Engines and Stationary Engines for various purposes with their details and Draw- ings to scale of Models in the Museum or Machines in the Workshop It will be seen by the above outline of the course that Students are encouraged to make careful and accurate working drawings directly bearing on the subjects in which they receive instruction in Section IV Arts of Construction and in Section Manufacturing Art and Machinery Occasional Students may take up any branch of the Course which they may wish to follow Fee for Occasional Students 41 4s per Term or 10 10 per annum VIII Chemistry Students of the first and second years are admitted to Course of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry at from 10 20 to 11 20 on Tuesday and Friday throughout the Academical Year The subjects will be discussed in the following order Forces concerned in producing Chemical Phenomena Preliminary view of Chemical Affinity and its distinction from other forces Laws of Chemical Combination -Notation Adhesion -Capillarity Endosmose Motion of Gases Crystallization -Isomorphism Dimorphism Allotropy Heat -This subject is discussed in the Course of Natural Philosophy Electricity -Excitement Conduction Insulation Indue- tion Electrical Machines Accumulation Leyden Jar At- mospheric phenomena Voltaic Electricity -Galvanometer Simple and Compound Circuits Voltaic Batteries Electrolysis Electrotype Elee- troplating &c
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