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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-129

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APPLIED SCIENCES 12a The opportunities hereby offered are such as with fair dili- gence and application will qualify Students to undertake at the end of their course whatever Railway Surveying may offer itself The Course commences in the Easter Term which occurs in that season of the year when the growing crops prevent any surveying in the fields and leave the roads and the com- mons only accessible to the Students for field practice Students of the first year are instructed in the uses of the several Surveying and Levelling Instruments In the second and third Terms of the surveying year viz in the Miehaelmas and Lent Terms of the following college year the Students of the second and third year are engaged in actual field practice those of the second year in sur- veying those of the third year in levelling each class being in the field on the alternate Saturdays The Surveying Class -Care is taken by the selection of the Lines to introduce the usual practical difficulties The best methods of bringing into use and applying the various Sur- veying Instruments under different circumstances are ex- plained in the Lectures and practically worked out on the ground The Levelling Class -The Course is divided into trial or flying Levels as they are sometimes ealled check and final Levels with the Levels for cross sections of roads and portion of country is selected and actually levelled The Section is plotted the Gradients laid down and the various Engineering calculations connected therewith which are required before the Sections are deposited are fully gone into and explained The "Plan" sent in by the Students of the second year and the Section" by those of the third year are each required to be in conformity with the regulations of the "standing orders" of the Houses of Parliament Fee for Occasional Students 3s per Term or 8s per annum
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