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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1866-1867-125

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applied sciences Stonework Timberwork and Joinery Ironwork Plaster- work Slatework &c Leadwork &c Painting General Maxims Chimney Shafts -Structure and Sizes Sewerage -Old Forms and New Tunnels -Structure Canals Docks Harbours Breakwaters Cofferdams and Lighthouses Third Year Students are conducted through system of advanced work taking the form of Essays on various En- gineering questions and Constructive designs for Works the material to be procured from private reading as supplementary to the course of Lectures Fee for Occasional Students 21 12s 6d per Term or 71 7s per annum Manufacturing Art and Machinery First Year Lectures 15-2 15 every Tuesday Second and Third Years Lectures 11 45-12 45 every Tuesday Each Student accompanies the Professor every four weeks on Wednesday to one of the principal manufacturing esta- blishments in the metropolis First Year Iron -Production and Preparation of Materials Blast Furnace Refining and Puddling Rolling and Forging Founding Specification for Rails Steel -Converting Tilting and Casting Hardening and Tempering Boiling and Stamping Metals -Dies Spinning Wire-draw- ing Gun Barrels Gas Pipes Perforating Engraving Wood Converting -Saws Circular Saw Bench Rack Bench Silent Feed Saw Gate Planing Morticing Tenoning Dovetailing Timber-bending Moulding Machine
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