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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1865-1866-567

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 569 conn epiphyte parasite labiate didynamous gynandrous and placenta Distinguish between determinate and indeterminate inflor- escence and enumerate tbe kinds which belong to each Describe the structure of the ovule Give the essential characters of the following natural orders -Malvaceae Cucurbitaceae Rosacea Umbelliferae Poly- gonaceae and Amaryllidaceae JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIP -Sfaatomv Describe the radius its form situation and structure its surfaces margins processes and grooves Mention the hones and the parts of them with which the radius articulates Mention the ligaments and muscles which are attached to the radius and say where they are fixed including the tendons which run in the grooves at the lower end of the bone Give an example of hinge joint and describe its move- ment Give an example of ball and socket joint and describe its movements What muscles project and what muscles withdraw the tongue from and into the mouth What are the uses of the abdominal muscles What is the length in an adult of the large intestine What are its divisions Trace the bowel from its commencement to its termination mentioning the direction and curves of its various parts and their peritoneal attachments What muscles turn the head upwards and outwards and what downwards and inwards towards one side II -$i £iu Iog What is adipose tissue In what parts of the human body and in connexion with what tissues is it found What offices
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