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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1865-1866-457

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DONORS OP THE FIRST CLASS 457 £ Cronin Daniel Esq Vemon-place Bloomsbury 100 Crosse Lat George Esq Hatton-court Threadneedle-street 100 Cunningham Esq King's College London 100 Curleis John Esq 39 Devonshire-place 100 Dade Rev Thos Broadway Dorchester 100 Dale Rev Thomas Therfield Herts 100 Danvers Esq Heathbourne House Bushey Heath 100 Dartmouth William Earl of 23 Si James's-square 340 Daubeny George Esq Cote Bristol 220 Davidson Esq Lime8 treet-square 100 Davis William Esq Leman-street 110 Dawes Rev West-court Gillingham 100 Delafield Joseph Esq 110 Dendy Samuel Esq 110 Denison Ε Esq 33 Queen Ann-street 100 Dent John Esq Sudeley Castle Winchcomb 100 Dent Lancelot Esq 10 Hanover-square 100 Digby Rev Noel Brixton Isle of Wight 100 Digby Rev Prebendary of Worcester 100 Dixon Thomas Esq Littleton near Chester 100 Dobree Uonamy Esq 100 Dodd Charles Esq Billiter-street 110 Douglas Edward Bullock Esq 110 Dover George James Welbore Lord 100 D'Oyly Rev George Rectory Lambeth 120 Drummond Esq Albur Park Guildford 100 Drummond Messrs Charing-cross 200 Duncombe Hon Very Rev Α Dean of York 100 Ducie the Earl of 30 Princes-Gate 100 Durell Rev David Durham 110 Edwards Rev Η Dean's-yard Westminster 110 Egerton Edward Esq Lowndes-square 100 Egerton Wilbraham Esq St James's-square 200 Egmont John James Earl of 100 Egmont the Earl of St James's-place 100 Ellerton Rev Theale Reading 152 10 Ellesmere The Earl of 18 Belgrave-square 110 Ellice Right Hon Edward 18 Arlington-street 100 Ely the Lord Bishop of Ely 100 Estcoiirt Esq 82 Eaton-place 110 Farnborough Charles Long Lord Β 100 Ferguson Esq 125 Park-street 100 Fergusson Prof George-street Hanover-square 100 Feversham The Lord 25 Belgrave-square 100 Field Abraham Esq Linden-villa Ealing 100 Fischer John Esq Pebble Coombe Epsom 100 Flower Sir Charles Bart 67 Russell-square 110
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