Calendar: 1865-1866 Page 435
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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 435 Elected Department Η 1858 Ruddle Charles Snelling Theological 1854 Rugg George Philip Medical 1848 Russell George 1857 Russell Reginald Η 1861 Rylance Joseph Hine Theological 1865 Sadgrove Frederick Edmund Theological β 1858 Sainsbury Joseph Popham Theological 1858 Sansom Arthur Ernest Medical 1850 Salter Henry Hyde Medical 1865 Salter John Henry Medical 1848 Salter Samuel James Medical 1859 Saunders George James Symes Medical Β 1855 Scarsbrook George Theological β1865 Scarth John Theological 1864 Scott John Simonet Ev Classes 1863 Scott Matthew Henry St Η 1865 Scriven Thomas Fowell Buxton Theological 1862 Seaman Isaac Ev Classes β 1862 Seaton Charles Abdiel Theological 1850 Seller James St 1860 Seymour William Scorer Theological β 1858 Sharp Benjamin Oswald Theological 1860 Sharp Edward Medical 1863 Shaw Charles Henry Theological β 1849 Shawcross Richard Theological 1842 Shebbeare Charles Hooper 1855 Sheen Samuel Theological J1 1860 Shelford Leonard Edmund Theological 1862 Shepherd Charles Dunbar Medical 1853 Sheppard Thomas Byard Winter β 1856 Shum Franck Theological 1865 Shuttleworth George Edward Medical 1856 Siccama Rinso Robert Medical 1854 Silvester Henry Robert Medical 1848 Simons Alfred 1853 Simpson Edward Medical 1855 Simpson Peter Η 1858 Sinyanki John Elhanan Theological 1852 Skinner George Robert Medical 1855 Skrine Clarmont Theological 1845 Slater Samuel 1858 Sloan Joseph Ware Theological β 1851 Slocock Frederick Theological 1856 Smee Alfred Medical 1854 Smith Clement Ogle Β 1853 Smith Ebenezer Theological 1845 Smith Fletcher Webb &S 1855 Smith Frederick Porter Medical 1851 Smith Henry Medical Ε Ε
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