Calendar: 1865-1866 Page 188
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188 medical department Section IV chemical laboratory Curator-E Hadow Esq Two Laboratories have been fitted up in the College pro- vided with an extensive collection of chemical preparations and apparatus and with every convenience for the attainment of knowledge of Practical Chemistry and for the prosecution of scientific researches One of the Laboratories is especially arranged for the class of Practical Chemistry and is open during the Winter for two hours twice a-week and during the Summer for two hours three times a-week See Section 12 Student3 desirous of devoting further time to the pursuits of Practical Chemistry may also become Pupils in the Laboratory under the superintendence of the Professor and of the Demonstrator of Chemistry by entering themselves at the Secretary's Office For the principal subjects to which atten- tion is given see Section 13 For Fees see 195 The Laboratory is open daily from 10 till except on Saturdays when it closes at Section regulations respecting students Gentlemen are receivedi nto this Department either as Ma- triculated Members of the College or as Occasional Students Matriculated Students or those who receive their entire medical education at King's College Students who come to King's College from other Medical Schools and take the whole of their remaining education at King's College are also allowed to Matriculate They will not however be permitted to compete for the Scholar- ships or for the Warneford and Leathes Prizes nor to hold Hospital Appoint- ments unless they have paid the full amount of fees required for perpetual attendance at the Hospital
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