Calendar: 1864-1865 Page 44
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44 annual report Divinity Classics Mathematics Modern and Ancient History English Literature and French or German and the students in general under their distinguished and able Teachers avail themselves of the system according to their several destina- tions at the Universities in the learned Professions or in Her Majesty's Civil Service especially that of India At the University of Cambridge Messrs Thomas King and John Steddy Wimbolt former students distinguished them- selves highly during the past year as 9th and 36th Wranglers in the Mathematical Tripos Messrs John William Neill John Revan Hallett Hamilton Winkup Gordon passed successfully in the first India Civil Service examination In the Oriental Section the Council advert with great regret to the death of Dr Ballantyne whose distinguished name was of service to the College though the state of his health compelled him to depute the discharge of his duties as Pro- fessor of Sanscrit and Bengali to his colleague Professor Fitz Edward Hall On Dr Ballantyne's death an arrangement became necessary in pursuance of which Dr Hall perma- nently undertook the duties he had hitherto performed as Dr Ballantyne's substitute and resigned the Chair of Η in- dustani to Professor Thomas Howley Subsequently while this report was being drawn up the Council have heard that Dr Hall has been appointed to the Librarianship of the East India Museum in Dr Ballantyne's room This will cause some further changes the details of which are not yet settled The Principal gives good Report of the conduct and diligence of the Students in the Department op the Applied Sciences It continues full and the exigencies of public works and of private enterprise make it probable that it will increase in numbers as well as in character and in efficiency The Students are allowed ample opportunities for testing and enlarging their theoretical knowledge under the guidance and personal instruction of Professor Shelley on the spot by weekly visits not only to Her Majesty's dockyard and arsenals
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