Calendar: 1864-1865 Page 43
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annual report 43 Canon of Canterbury and author of the best Ecclesi- astical History in the English language The Rev Thelwall had held the office of Lecturer in Public Reading since 1849 He had previously devoted him- self for many years and with great success to the promotion of that most important outward qualification for the minis- terial office the management of the voice and the correct distinct and unaffected reading of the Liturgy an acquirement which had been so long neglected to the great dishonour of the Holy Services of the Church and to the serious deprecia- tion of her legitimate influence It was not till three years had elapsed after the foundation of the Theological Depart- ment that an adequate remedy was provided in the College for this acknowledged defect The creation of the new office and the appointment of so well qualified and experienced Lecturer as Mr Thelwall were at once an acknowledgment of the want and the best means of supplying it Since his appointment he has rendered great service to the Theological Department by the ability and assiduity with which in spite of failing health he devoted himself to the discharge of his duties The vacancy thus caused has been filled up by the election of the Rev D'Orsey who has already had the benefit of wide experience in all the duties which he has undertaken The Council have the pleasure of adding that Mr D'Orsey's zeal is likely to extend the sphere of his teaching beyond the Theological Department to other Departments and to King's College School as well as to attract many occasional students to his classes The Rev Henry Jona Theological Associate of King Col- lege London has succeeded to the Lectureship in Divinity with charge of the Class of Candidates vacated by Rev McCaul's promotion The Council have received highly satisfactory reports of the Department of General Literature and Science -includ- ing the Oriental Section Nothing can be more satisfactory than the working of this Department combining as it does in due proportion the great elements of gentleman's education
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