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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1864-1865-42

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42 annual report death of two of its most valued members that of the Rev McCaul and that of the Rev Thelwall In the death of Dr McCaul this College in common with the Church of England at large has sustained an irreparable loss It is difficult to over-state the debt of gratitude which King's College owes to this faithful servant of God during long course of invaluable services especially in the Theological Department from the date of its institution Throughout the whole of his varied career as Professor of Hebrew since 1841 as Professor of the Exegesis of the Old Testament since 1846 and as Professor of Ecclesiastical History since 1853 offices all held up to the time of his death Dr McCaul was eminently distinguished by his unflinching steadfastness to the principles and doctrines of the Church by remarkable loyalty to the College and by his warm and affectionate interest in the welfare of the Students The last act of his life on his death-bed was the revision for the press of lectures in defence of the Christian Faith against modern infidelity which he had delivered during the previous term in the Theological Lecture Room The Council have the pleasure of adding that at the request of numerous friends in various quarters and of different shades of opinion within the Church subscription has been set on foot for memorial in his honour and that sum has been already collected sufficient to provide McCaul Hebrew Prize to be competed for annually and Memo- rial Window and brass Tablet in the new Chapel of the College In consequence of Dr McCaul's death two distinct Profes- sorships which he had for time united in his own person the Chair of Hebrew and the Exegesis of the Old Testament and the Chair of Ecclesiastical History were again separated To the vacant Professorship of Hebrew &c the Council have elected the Rev Stanley Leathes hitherto Lecturer in the same subjects the Rev McCaul being entrusted with the Lecturership in Hebrew thus vacated For the Professorship of Ecclesiastical History the Council have secured the services of the Rev James Robertson
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