Calendar: 1864-1865 Page 41
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annual report 41 comparison between 1863 and 1864 shows the following results -an aggregate diminution of 33 in the present num- bers of Matriculated Students and an aggregate increase of 80 in the number of Occasional Students Such fluctuations are always to be expected The Theological Department has supplied during the past year its usual contingent to the ranks of the Christian Ministry The Students in successive terms as they re- ceive their Final Certificates are eagerly sought for by In- cumbents and have the choice given them of most eligible curacies at good salary as Titles for Holy Orders But the supply during the past year has again fallen far short of the demand The Principal reports that he continually receives letters testifying to the admirable qualifications both in work and in doctrine of former Students who are about to leave their Curacies and urgently asking for similarly qualified successor The Students iu class are as usual models of zeal and attention The Council at the request of the Bishop of London and other Bishops have adopted scheme submitted by the Principal for enlarging the conditions on which admission into the Theological Department is obtainable The modifica- tions which are fully detailed in the Calendar and the Pros- pectus fall under two heads Definite regulations as to the conditions on which Graduates of Oxford Cambridge and Durham may enjoy the privilege of attending short recognised course in all the prescribed Divinity Lectures and an extension of the same privileges to Graduates of Trinity College Dublin The conditions on which Graduates of the said four Universities may be allowed to attend certain lectures in the prescribed course for at least three terms on the footing of Occasional Students The Council have next to advert with great pain to con- siderable changes which have taken place in the staff of this Department in consequence of vacancies caused by the
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